NB Science Week 2022 Surpasses All Expectations

Posted: April 5, 2022

What originally started out as an event to offset the cancellation of in person Science Fairs during the Covid-19 pandemic, NB Science Week has taken on a life of its own. In only its 2nd year of existence, the number of session offerings, presenters, and participating classes has grown substantially. NB Science Week saw 3459 Kindergarten to Grade 12 classes from across New Brunswick take part in this signature event hosted by the four Anglophone Districts in the province.

NB Science Week was held from March 21-24, 2022 and featured 70 sessions that were hosted by 27 companies and organizations. Students of all ages were introduced to various strands of Science and the important role each play in our daily lives. Whether it was taking a ‘Stroll Through the Solar System” with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada or going “Critter Dipping” with Ducks Unlimited, students were excited and engaged in their learning. From building “Marshmallow Towers” in a challenge hosted by UNB Engineering and APEGNB, to discovering “Where Germs Live” from Covid Rapid Test creators LuminUltra, youth across the province realized just how important and interesting Science can be.

Interactive presentations were given by professional Engineers, Biologists, Medical Professionals, Researchers, Environmentalists, Climate Change Experts, Conservation Advocates, Innovative Technology Companies and more.

The weeklong event was capped off with a closing session by Steve Spangler that did not disappoint. Spangler is a best-selling author, STEM educator and business leader branded by TIME Magazine as one of their “most influential people of the year” because of his passion to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. With more than 1,500 television appearances and multiple Emmy awards to his credit, Steve is also a regular guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show where she dubbed him America’s Science Teacher.

The Spangler session certainly did not disappoint as 337 classes from across NB were in attendance. Students were in awe as they were introduced to numerous experiments featuring Fire Tornados, Exploding Elephant’s Toothpaste, Homemade Lava Lamps, and more, even taking part in one activity focusing on Bernoulli’s principle using plastic cups.

NB Science Week 2022 was an amazing success and would not have been possible without our fantastic educators and students across the province, as well as all of our incredible presenters who volunteered their time to share their knowledge with us. The NB Science Week 2022 Organizing Committee would like to thank the following groups for their contributions to our event:

Atlantic Coastal Action Program – Saint John (ACAP-SJ)

ASD-N ICE Center Aviation Program

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick (APEGNB)

Brilliant Labs

Brunswick Engineering

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – NB Chapter (CPAWS)

Center of Excellence for Energy

Center of Excellence for Health

Ducks Unlimited

Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD)

Hammond River Angling Association

Homarus Inc.

Let’s Talk Science UNB Fredericton

LuminUltra Technologies

Nature NB

NB Power

New Brunswick Aviation Museum

New Brunswick Community College Saint John (NBCC-SJ)

Parlons Science Universitie d’Moncton

Pocket Lab

Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station

Quartermain Earth Science Centre

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC-NB)

Science East

Steve Spangler

The Gaia Project

UNB Engineering – Worlds UNBound

Water Rangers