Welcome Back to the 2021-2022 School Year!

Posted: September 7, 2021

ASD-N would like to welcome all students, families and staff back to the new school year!

We are excited ro start greeting students today, and throughout the rest of this week.

We would like to remind you to watch out for our students who are walking, and to please stop when school bus lights are flashing red.

Please help us have a safe return to the new school year!

Also, Education and Early Childhood Development has released Healthy and Safe Schools guidelines for the public school system.

They outline the requirements schools and school districts must meet to provide a safe return to school for students and staff. It may be changed throughout the school year in conjunction with Public Health guidance to the department and new information.  We encourage everyone to be familiar with these guidelines and to check with your school if you have any questions.

Thank you!