Zero Tolerance for Racism

Posted: February 7, 2019


Anglophone North School District was notified late last evening that a book containing racist messaging was discovered at one of our elementary schools.  A variety of steps and actions have been taken since that time, and all staff have been notified.


Racist literature is unacceptable, and the book has been removed.  It is the responsibility of all staff in our district to ensure that any such literature is eliminated from our education system, and we will continue to be diligent in that regard.


This incident has provided staff and students with a valuable learning opportunity, to discuss what terms like “offensive” and “racist” mean to them, and how we can collectively create a more positive and empathetic culture every day.


ASD-N would like to acknowledge how proud we are of the grade 5 student who recognized that this book was inappropriate, and was responsible for bringing it to our attention – that was a great demonstration of leadership in action.


The district would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone, if you do happen to come across any racist or offensive literature in our schools, to please make reporting it to your school principal your first step.