
Posted: February 27, 2018

In collaboration with local First Nation communities, ASD-N hosted a Mawi’omi (Mi’kmaq word for gathering) over a two-day period at MVHS and JMH, Feb 15 & 16. More commonly referred to as a Pow Wow, students at both schools had an opportunity to experience customary music and dance as well as listen to a Mi’kmaq storyteller who put on sessions throughout the two-day event. The Mawi’omi’s at Miramichi’s two local high schools offered an opportunity to showcase aspects of Mi’kmaq culture that was suppressed, marginalized, and even prohibited for a period of time in Canada. When the Indian Act was written in 1876 traditional celebrations and healing ceremonies were against the law. Although amendments to this Act would take place throughout the years it wasn’t until 1951 that Indigenous Peoples in Canada could practice their traditional ceremonies and celebrations such as the Pow Wow. In addition to JMH and MVHS, students from other surrounding schools participated in these events. A total of about 2500 students were able to participate in such amazing events that demonstrated Mi’kmaq culture in a positive light.

ReconciliACTION was the theme of these events. ASD-N continues to work hard at improving its relationship with Mi’kmaq communities and taking the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission seriously as we forward together.

ASD-N would like to thank all those who supported and attended the events. They were a great success!

 You can read more about the history of Pow Wow’s by consulting the following link.