ASD-N Mathematicians Compete

Posted: May 28, 2013

The 31st Annual New Brunswick Mathematics Competition for Grades 7, 8 and 9 took place on Friday, May 10, 2013. ASD-N was well represented entering a total of 117 mathematicians out of the 1243 students competing from across the province. Of all the New Brunswick Grade 7 students Julia Bent of Harkins Middle School, Miramichi, placed 3rd in the province (and first in ASD-N. of course).  Placing first in Grade 8 in ASD-N was Vacili Osipeau of Superior Middle School, Bathurst. Placing first in Grade 9 in ASD-N was Jennifer Kim of North and South Esk Regional High School in Sunny Corner.      The top four for the district for each grade are as follows; Grade 7 Julia Bent, HMS, Ahmad Shafkat, DLMS, Mandy McLean, DLMS and Daniel Richard, BS: Grade 8 Vacili Osipeau, SMS, Denver Matchett, NSER, James MacMillan, MS, and Daniel Davies, HMS: Grade 9 Jennifer Kim NSER, Martin Ben, JMH, Ashlyn Moody, BS, and Jason Theriault, BHS     (HMS – Harkins Middle School, DLMS – Dr.Losier Middle School, BS – Blackville School, SMS – Superior Middle School, NSER North and South Esk Regional, MS – Millerton School, JMH – James M. Hill H.S., BHS – Blackville High School.) Pictured above, holding the certificate, is Julia Bent. Below is Vacili Osipeau and Jennifer Kim.