Posted: June 10, 2010
District 16 honoured twenty-eight retiring employees at a dinner held at the Rodd Miramichi on June 9th. Their contribution to the children and youth of the area was high-lighted by District Superintendent Laurie Keoughan and each was presented with a retirement gift and framed certificate of recognition for their years of service. The retirees are; Bev Arbeau, Guy Beauchamp, Elaine Cooke, Phyllis Cooling, Jack Duplessie, Colleen Forsythe, Rheal Fournier, Holly Gallant, Darlene Gillespie, John Hawkes, Grace LeFloch, Muriel MacCullam, Richard McCallum, Ken McDowell, Laurie McFarlane, Paul Melanson, Janice Morrison, Hal Muck, Catherine Mullin, Jean O`Neill, Evelyn Row, Sheila Ryan, Penny Siddall, Marjorie Sinclair, Gary Trevors, Carol Ann Underhill, Jacqueline Vickers, Brenda Warham.