D16 Students Answer Their Own Questions

Posted: April 4, 2011

Schools throughout District 16 have held their annual science fairs for 2011 and their schools’ top projects have moved on to the district level expositions which were held over the last two weeks. The judges at the district fairs have been very pleasantly surprised and impressed with the quality of the student research. Many of the questions investigated were the result of student curiosity. The experiments designed were well thought out, variables were identified, controlled and tested for. Conclusions were drawn based on the evidence. Curiosity was at once satisfied yet whetted for further research. No longer are students satisfied to simply explain scientific phenomena through models of such things as volcanoes and tornados, they are looking at questions arising from the world around them and looking for their own answers. The science fair for elementary schools was held on March 23rd  at Gretna Green Elementary.  After visiting the projects presented and talking to the youngscientists about their work, the judges had a difficult time identifying those that merited special recognition. In the end the Elementary Science Fair Winners were:   1st Place - Ethan Johnston - Wind Turbines - Harkins Elementary School   2nd Place - Daniel Moody - Juicy Fruit – Blackville School   3rd Place - Hayley Underhill - Tasty Nose – Blackville School The fair for secondary school students was held at Dr. Losier Middle School on March 29th.  Again the quality of the student’s research was well received and difficult decisions had to be made by the judges. Middle School Winners were:   1st Place - Lyndsay Jay-Keating – “No Bull About it” - Harkins Middle   2nd Place - Jenny McEathron – “Slip Sliding Away” - Dr. Losier Middle    3rd Place - Emily Donovan – “Chicken Eggs” - Nelson Rural School High School Winner(9-10):  Neha Siddhartha – “Perceptions About Obesity” – Miramichi Valley High School To see photos from these two science fairs visit: D16 Secondary School Science Fair Middle and High School Projects Elementary School Projects