Getting Active & Creating a More Caring World

Posted: May 25, 2011

   Students, staff, parents, and community members participated in an In motion walk at Napan, Croft, Nelson, Miramichi Rural and North & South Esk Elementary schools on Friday, May 20.  Other schools will be doing activities to support this initiative in coming days.  This walk created awareness about the Roots of Empathy program (ROE) and raised funds which will be used to train community volunteers as instructors for ROE. Roots of Empathy is an evidenced based program which has been delivered in various classes in District 16 since 2005. ROE’s mission is to build caring, peaceful and civil societies - child by child - through the development of empathy in children.  Empathy is defined as the ability to recognize and understand the feelings of others. When people have empathy they become more caring and they are less likely to bully others. According to Mary Gordon, founder of Roots of Empathy, empathy is caught not taught. This year in 16 classes in District 16 and 2 of our First Nation communities approximately 275 students have experienced the program.  The community group organizing this event was a partnership between Mango, In motion, Roots of Empathy Miramichi, Public Health, & School District 16. A wood carving by Miramichi artist, Gloria Savoie will be awarded to the school who raises the most funds and the top student fundraiser will receive a bike & helmet or a WalMart Gift Certificate sponsored by Towne Sales & Service. To see photos visit In Motion .