The Hall was Alive with the Sound Of Music

Posted: May 7, 2012

St. Andrews Elementary School children made wonderful music on May 7th. They were taking part in celebrations held across Canada to recognize Music Monday promoted by the “Coalition for Music Education”. Every student in the school had a part to play. Some sang and played the ukulele, some were involved in an orchestra of recorders, many others sang and many danced. It was clear to see a real joy in their music. Grades 1, 2 and 3 students from Ian Baillie Primary School attended the event and contributed their own music and were not to be out-sung. A special guest at the event was long-time Loggieville fiddler Matilda Murdoch. The afternoon’s program concluded with a short film created during a recent kitchen party at the home of Matilda’s son Owen. In the film several St. Andrew’s School students shared their music with Matilda. Mrs Murdoch in turn, played her own compositions on the fiddle for the students and answered questions about her lengthy career as a musician.  The short video titled “Tea with Matilda Murdoch” can be viewed by following this link: Tea .