Hearing About Their Country's Liberation First Hand

Posted: April 15, 2013

Nineteen high school students from the Netherlands spent an hour at Miramichi Valley High School Monday morning, April 15th , listening to three Canadian veterans talk about their experiences in Europe during World War II, particularly in Holland. The students are in New Brunswick this week as part of an on-going exchange program that will have students from Miramichi and Bathurst return the visit in November. The veterans, Clint Hayward, Albert Walsh and Cecil Curtis, told the students about their roles in the war and mentioned how, during quite recent return visits to Holland, they were very well treated by everyone they met and what this meant to them. Following their comments the students asked many questions about their war-time life and what they experienced on the return to Canada. The veterans’ responses varied between heartfelt anecdotes and others which were more light-hearted. It seemed there was a genuine warmth between the veterans and the young Dutch visitors.       The Dutch students arrived in Miramichi Friday April 12th and will be heading home Sunday April 21st. While here they are attending classes at Miramichi Valley High, James M. Hill and Bathurst High. They are also visiting a variety of locations such at the Metepenagiag Heritage Park, a farm and sugary in the Bathurst area and “TreeGo” in Moncton. They are being billeted with Canadian students during their visit.