JRS Goes Wild for Reading

Posted: May 9, 2013

“Go Wild for Reading” was the theme of the kindergarten to grade 5 literacy project that took place during  April at Jacquet River School. The purpose was to enhance the students reading and writing skills through novel activities at school and at home.       Each grade represented one particular animal.  Students did research on their animal which was then represented through decorative classroom doors.  A competitive element was added to the month long project through the display by the gym of thermometers representing how many books each class read. Vice-principal Ms Gail Girouard  commented , “I personally have never seen our students so excited about reading.  They actually brought many different books from home and swapped them with other students.”       She added, “Throughout the day, selected students would arrive at each class making the sound of the animal they represented.   Students would immediately drop what they were doing and read for 15 minutes.  It was quite entertaining to watch. Furthermore, students were given a home calendar to complete.  There was an activity assigned for each day of the month worth 5 points.  Students were asked to bring in their logs at the end of each week so that their progress could be tracked.  These activities were design in a way that allowed students to choose the order in which they wanted to complete each individual activity.  Students were given an opportunity to reach gold, silver and bronze status based upon the points accumulated.  Gold status gave them an opportunity to enter their name in a draw to win a prize.  In addition, students were given participation certificates for their efforts.” For photos visit Jacquet River School Reading Project .