Live at CTV Studio

Posted: June 4, 2009

On May 25th & 26th students from District 16’s Broadcast Journalism class travelled to Halifax to experience first hand what it takes to produce television news. Students were treated to a tour of CTV’s news studio and had the opportunity to speak with CTV reporters, anchors and reporters. On Wednesday the class arrived at CTV and were greeted by Live at 5 Producer Leo Carter who organized the visit. After a tour of the facility the students had question and answer sessions with CTV evening news anchor Steve Murphy and Live at 5 host Starr Dobson. The class was then split into two groups. One group watched from the control room and got to see what it takes to put the shows to air, while the other group watched from the studio floor. Thursday morning students returned to the studio to attend a live taping of Breakfast Television. The hosts of Breakfast Television answered questions from the group. Student Jarrid Deveaux made his television debut when BT host Jason Baxter asked him to read the sports with him live on air.Overall the visit was very informative and a great educational experience for everyone involved. The Broadcast Journalism class would like to thank everyone at CTV for their time and for sharing their expertise. To see photos from the event visit the photo gallery.