Remembrance of the NSR in a Special Way (*updated Nov. 12)

Posted: November 9, 2013

Thirty ASD-N high school students are leaving this weekend to observe Remembrance Day in a very special manner. They will be conducting their own ceremony at the Holten Canadian War Cemetery in Holland. They have made this commemorative event very, very personal. Over the past months each student was assigned a fallen North Shore Regiment (NSR) soldier buried at the cemetery and created a eulogy which will read at the graveside in both English and Dutch. The students from Bathurst, Miramichi Valley and James M. Hill high schools will be billeted with Dutch students, each of whom has received one of the eulogies and have translated it into their own language. They too will participate in the ceremony. The eulogies were researched by the Canadian students with information from the service records of their soldier as well as, in almost all cases, contact with family members and local resources. Mr. Brandon Savage, at teacher at MVHS and one of the organizers, along with student Gabriel Fournier, were interviewed by CBC Radio recently. To hear the interview visit Holten Ceremony . To follow the groups progress visit “The Eternal Connection”. This visit is part of an on-going student cultural exchange project between local schools and St. Canisius School in Almelo, Holland begun in 2009. In addition to the Remembrance Day observation at Holten Cemetary the students will also visit the nearby battle sites where some of the NSR soldiers fell.*ATV News Item