Skateboards - From the Ground Up!

Posted: April 12, 2013

Grade 8 students at Blackville School have had a chance in recent weeks to tie in some industrial arts, math, science, art and physical education in an integrated curriculum project called  CreateASkate. Through support from the Blackville Valufoods store and the ArtSmarts program teacher Tim Gratton, over a three week period had the students design, measure, cut, paint and assemble their own skateboards. Darren Goodfellow of River Signs helped students with the graphic design aspects of the project. Lessons from a program called Skatepass, taught by district physical education lead Paul MacKinnon and normally offered to grades 4 and 6 students in the district, gave them an opportunity to learn how to ride skateboards safely. Needless to say the teachers found that students enthusiastically “bought in” to the project and showed a good deal of pride in their work. A similar project is under way at Millerton School. For photos visit Blackville Skateboards.