Strawberry Shortake Tea - for a Good Cause

Posted: April 26, 2013

The Lesotho Initiative committee invites the public to the annual “Chari-tea” at Terry Fox Elementary on Saturday June 1st from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Strawberry Shortcake will be served along with tea or coffee for $5.00. The Lesotho Intiative was started by educators in the former School District 15 in 2006 to promote global citizenship through the use of a curriculum based on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. To date the committee has raised $76 123.05 through events such as “ChariTea”, calendar sales and the “Salt of the Earth Artisan and Craft Fair”. The “ChariTea” event is in support of Grandmothers of Lesetho, Africa.