TALK TIP: Model Language

Posted: May 3, 2021

Stimulating speech and language in young children is extremely important for building language skills.  Modelling the language you want your child to use is very important to their language learning for several reasons:

  • The more times a child hears a word, the more likely they are to use it.
  • Children often need specific examples to learn how to say something.
  • Modelling creates a language rich environment for your child.
  • Modelling language can be more effective than correcting your child’s language.
  • You can use modeling to develop any aspect of your child’s speech and language.

Modelling language can be as simple as talking in brief, short and understandable phrases throughout the day during all your daily routines (mealtime, bath time, dressing, getting dressed, play time, etc.).  Doing this will help your child to develop strong speech and language skills.