D16 Stacks Up

Posted: November 18, 2011

The District 16 Sports Stacking championship was held on Wed. Novemeber 16th at MVHS. Nine district schools were represented by 49 school champs from kindergarten to grade 8. Participating schools were Napan, Tabusintac, Gretna Green, Harkins E.S., Croft, Saint Andrew's, Millerton, Eel Ground and Burnt Church. Winnners were: Kindergarten- Emily- Saint Andrew's, Grade 1- Morgan– Harkins E. S., Grade 2 - Carter- Saint Andrew's, Grade 3- Cole- Saint Andrew's, Grade 4- Gerhig- Croft, Grade 5- Hannah- Millerton, Grade 6- Angel- Eel Ground, Grade 7 - James- Millerton, Grade 8-Megan-Tabusintac. To view photos from the event visit Sport Stacking in D16 .