Pressure Cooking!

Posted: March 25, 2012

Seven students from James M. Hill Memorial and Miramichi Valley High Schools participated in the annual District 16 Culinary Technology competition on Saturday March 24 at MVHS. The students had 3 hours to prepare a main course of Beef Roulade, Duchess Potatoes, Braised Red Cabbage and Steamed Broccoli as well as a dessert , Chocolate Mouse, which where then judged by chefs Ryan Goldie and Graham Tricket.  Under watchful eyes the students worked quickly to prepare the menu set by the Skills Canada,  the organization that will be hosting the national culinary competition in Edmonton Alberta in May. Two plates for each course were prepared by each student, one to be judged on taste and the other on appearance or “presentation”. During their summary when the results were announced, the chefs were quick to complement the students on their efforts, pointing out that deciding on a winner was tough. At the same time the judges were generous with professional advice about good culinary practices. First place was awarded to Kurt Hare of MVHS and second place was awarded to Tyler Stewart of JMH. Both will now participate in the provincial competition to be held in Fredericton in April. The New Brunswick champion will participate in the national competition in May in Edmonton. To see photos visit  D16 Culinary Technology Competiton 2012 .