MRS Star Troopers Become "Stars" Themselves

Posted: April 3, 2012

“On location” was the operational term at Miramichi Rural School (MRS) on Monday April 2. A film crew from the National Film Board of Canada temporarily took over the school’s library to begin a two year film project that will among other things feature the MRS’s Star Troopers. "Star Troopers" is the name of the school’s astronomy club that regularly studies the night skies and is well equipped with three sizeable but portable telescopes and one larger domed telescope. The filming of the MRS segment included an on-site introduction by the host of CBC’s children’s art program “Artzooka”,  Jeremie Saunders, and shots of the Star Troopers using tablet computers at their desks. This was followed in the afternoon with a live interview session over the Internet with Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield from Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas. Under the gaze of cameras and studio lights, the students asked Dr. Hadfield questions about space travel and about space itself. The astronaut was very informative with his answers and clearly enjoyed the opportunity to talk to the young astronomers. At dusk that evening the Star Troopers returned to the school for some star gazing  and in spite of the cold displayed great enthusiasm, much of which was also recorded by the film crew. As well as the use of the telescopes, as filmed, the Star Troopers displayed their knowledge of the night sky and their ability to us the sophisticated equipment. The National Film Board of Canada production is about space exploration and Canada’s role in it. It is intended to bring out the involvement of Canadian youth, to look at the related science curriculum in Canadian Schools and will also feature astronaut Hadfield as he becomes commander of the International Space Station later this year. The involvement of the MRS’s Star Troopers will continue at this time because when in space, Dr. Hadfield is expected to teach them lessons in both math and physical education. To see photos of the production process visit "Stars" .