"Run (or Walk) for Your Life"

Posted: June 8, 2012

The 2012 Go for 42 challenge was officially launched at Croft Elementary School on Wednesday May 9th. MANGO representatives  made a short presentation to the students of the school about the event and reminded them of  its importance in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Following a vigorous warm-up in the school’s gymnasium the entire school population put on their jackets and went for a 2 kilometer walk on the school grounds. The light drizzle did not dampen spirits as they made their way over the trails of the Forest Classroom located behind the school. The Go for 42 challenge encourages all school children in the Miramichi area to accumulate 40 kilometers of walking or running over a 5 week period. On June 24th all the participants are invited to complete a 2.2 kilometer distance on the streets of Newcastle-Miramichi in conjunction with the Rock ‘n Run Road Race, thus completing the Marathon distance of 42.2 kilometers. Mr. Donovan, Croft School principal,  is issuing a challenge to all area schools to compete for Challenge Cup, pictured here, which his school has won for the last 4 consecutive years. To view photos from the final 2.2 kilometer event from 2011 visit Go for 42 2011  . For more information and for the registration form for this year's event see the attachment below.