Very Young Teachers

Posted: June 19, 2014

On Monday, June 16, 2014 babies who participated this year in the Roots of Empathy program were honored at the Beaverbrook Kincenter. Twenty three of the “World’s Youngest Teachers” went into 24 classes  in the  Anglophone North School District as well as Legaceville,  Baie Ste Anne, Eel Ground, Esgenoopetitj and Elsipogotg. The babies and their parents along with school and community supporters of the program gathered to celebrate another successful year. During the school year students watched their classroom baby grow and develop, learned about the baby’s feelings and developed empathy. Roots of Empathy is an evidence based program whose mission is to build caring, peaceful and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults.  For more information or to become involved in the Roots of Empathy program contact Darlene MacDonald, PHN at 778-6738 or visit To see photos from the event visit Baby Celebration.