Print Motivation

Posted: February 17, 2021

Print Motivation refers to being interested in and enjoying books.  Introducing children to books early on, so they associate them with positive emotions and are interested in them, is key. You want your child to be curious about print and motivated to learn to read.

There are many ways to we can create positive reading experiences for our little ones:

  • Begin reading books right from birth.
  • Make book sharing time a special time.
  • Create a cozy reading corner.
  • Be positive and happy when reading together.
  • Make reading together FUN!  Use lots of expression.
  • Help books come to life by re-enacting stories using props, etc.
  • Read in front of your child.
  • Share your passion for reading.
  • Make going to the library a fun experience.
  • Allow your child to choose their own books at home and at the library.
  • Choose books about topics that interest your child.
  • Use non-fiction books to help your child learn about the world around them.

The goal is to help your little one have successful experiences with books and other forms of print.  We want them to look forward to spending time with books.