Use a Variety of Words

Posted: March 29, 2021

What types of words does your toddler say?  Children typically start to combine 2 words together when speaking between the ages of 18-24 months (e.g., mama up, more cookie, car go, hi doggie, my ball).  However, children need be saying a variety of words before they start combining 2 words together.  Verbs (i.e., action words) are particularly important as children in helping children combine 2 or more words together because every sentence requires a verb (e.g., “I eat cookies”, “The boy is running”, “She fell down”).

During your daily routines, you can help your child expand their vocabulary by:

  • Naming the things your child is looking at, pointing at, holding, etc. (e.g., ball, dog, crackers, car)
  • Using action words for what is happening (e.g., jumping, eating, sleeping)
  • Using descriptive words (e.g., pretty, clean/dirty, big/little, soft/hard)
  • Using pronouns (e.g., my, you, he, she, his, hers)
  • Using social words (e.g., hi, bye, no, all gone)
  • Using location words (e.g., in, on, under, up, down)
  • Describing feelings (e.g., happy, sad, hungry, tired)
  • Using question words (e.g., who, where, what)

Modelling language in this way, will help your little one express themself in many ways.  The more words they use, the easier it will be for them get their wants and needs met.