
Posted: August 18, 2009

District 16 has found a way to help students reach new heights in a challenging manner. The recent installation of a High Element Challenge Course on the grounds of Miramichi Valley High School provides a unique opportunity for students to test themselves climbing a variety of obstacles with trusty support from team members.

Posted: July 9, 2009

Ray Ritchie, Professional Engineer, representing the Association of Professional Engineers and Geo-scientists of New Brunswick (APEGNB) (left) recently presented Laurie Keoughan (center), Superintendent NB School District 16 , and Richard Walsh (right), District 16 Director of Education, with a cheque for $1000.00 to be used towards the District 16 Breakfast Program.  The money was raised at the annual APEGNB 2008 Pumpkin Fling which was held last fall on the Waterford Green, Miramichi East.The event which involves "flinging" pumpkins at a target more than

Posted: July 9, 2009

On Sunday July 5th 2009, 256 students from schools throughout the Miramichi region completed the last 2.2 kilometer stage of their 42 kilometer marathon started in the spring at their respective schools. Students from School  District 16 as well as others from districts 9 and 11, ran or walked through the blocked off streets of Miramichi West to the cheering of spectators and with the support of family and friends.  This annual event is promoted by MANGO with the support of local schools, to encourage the youngsters to adopt  active and healthy lifestyles.

Posted: July 9, 2009

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Posted: July 8, 2009

Tation dolore ut hendrerit ea feugiat hendrerit autem consectetuer facilisis duis, euismod laoreet hendrerit vel accumsan vero lobortis. Consequat duis iusto duis feugiat esse molestie augue lorem duis diam, iriuredolor in. Ad esse iriure wisi, feugiat te tation dolore wisi veniam minim erat minim veniam velit vel volutpat augue exerci. Nonummy consectetuer veniam iriuredolor eros, tation wisi eu accumsan consequat et. Hendrerit delenit at, iusto illum eros. Nibh eum suscipit, ut elit, velit quis facilisi dolore eros et.

Posted: June 22, 2009

Hundreds of enthusiastic children from grades three to five recently participated in the annual District 16 SUBWAY Elementary School Track and Field meet at James M. Hill High School under sunny summer-like skies. This ambitious event held over two days was made possible by local educators  and  a dedicated cadre of volunteers from the community, all of whom drew on experience gained from previous years to ensure a smooth running mass participation event that was greatly enjoyed by the youngsters.

Posted: June 18, 2009

Mrs. Beth McCarthy and Mrs. Paula Hache  of  Ian Baillie Primary School,  recently involved all the school’s students in publishing and launching a series of five children’s story books that they wrote and illustrated called Promise for Peace.  The project although started previously with the writing of one of the books, was completed with the help of a New Brunswick Department of Education Learning Innovation Fund grant.

Posted: June 16, 2009

Each year Baby Celebrations are held to honor and thank the babies and parents who have participated throughout the school year in Roots of Empathy classes. Approximately 100 people including 13 babies and their parents from the  District 16 Roots of Empathy  program gathered to celebrate the “World’s Youngest Teachers” on Monday, June 15th. These teachers , babies ,who spent one class per month since October 2008 in a classroom in District 16 were celebrated along with their parents and community supporters.

Posted: June 11, 2009

The Miramichi Council of the Bell Aliant Pioneer Volunteers recently made a generous donation of library books to two District 16  elementary schools, Croft in Miramichi West and St Andrew’s in Miramichi East. These two schools are just the most recent beneficiaries of the  efforts of the Bell Aliant  Pioneer Volunteers over the last  several years to support literacy in schools of the Miramichi region. The library assistants at both schools were able to carefully choose books to add to their schools’ collections to help fill needs not already being met.

Posted: June 8, 2009

On Wednesday May 27th District 16 held its first Elementary School Drama Fest and had enthusiastic participation from five area schools. The audience, comprised of fellow actors, responded keenly to each play and the performances were adjudicated by Mr. John Bosma and Mr. Andrew Clark.  The intermissions between  plays were hosted by the MVHS Drama Club, under the direction of Mr. Jason Howe and Mr. Chris Matheson. Drama workshops were held following the performances. Participating schools were  Croft, Gretna Green,  Harkins, Nelson and North and South Esk Elementary Schools.


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