What's Cool About My School: Episode 1 - Terry Fox Elementary School

Posted: October 16, 2018

At Terry Fox Elementary, staff and students find ways each day to develop the hero in us all. Our Code of Conduct is based on the acronym Hero, reminding us all that honesty and integrity count, that everyone is accountable, to use respectful actions and words and to be on task. Each day, students are challenged on the morning news to be someone's hero, and to use helping hands to make a difference in their classroom, in their school and in the world around them. Whether helping a little one dress for outside, carrying someone's tray in the cafeteria, solving a problem on the playground, picking up litter to respect school grounds or finding ways to help outside of our school in the community and around the world, students who make a difference are showcased and celebrated daily on TFES News. Students on the news remind their peers each day to "Work Hard and Play Fair to be a Hero in Your own Special Way!" Being someone’s hero is what makes Terry Fox Elementary School a special place to learn and grow. We know our school’s namesake would be very proud that students are making a difference in their own special way!