
Posted: March 12, 2021


Did you know?


District Science Fairs have gone virtual for 2021! And the Anglophone School Districts are celebrating all things Science in New Brunswick with Science Week 2021!

Posted: March 6, 2021

Although it has been a unique school year in many regards, teachers and students in ASD-N certainly proved that they were up for the 2021 Take Me Outside Winter Challenge. With close to 100 registrations, we saw fantastic examples of outdoor activities across the district, as participants were involved in skiiing, sliding, snowshoeing, quintzee building, hiking, outdoor cooking, and plenty more.

Posted: March 5, 2021



Posted: March 1, 2021



Posted: February 11, 2021

Students in Anglophone North School District have taken Valentine’s Day to heart, and are helping to share the love – from a distance.

Posted: February 1, 2021

Max Aitken Academy in Miramichi is thrilled to have been selected to represent New Brusnwick in Classroom Champions and the NHL’s announcement of Lessons from Willie. The program is designed to bring the story of Willie O’Ree to light, and his experience as the first back player in the NHL. The program includes social justice and anti-racism resources to schools across North America and a series of inspirational videos that educators and families can use to start meaningful conversations with kids.

Posted: January 19, 2021

Parents who wish to enroll their children in the Grades 1or 6 Entry Point French Immersion Programs, please click here to fill out the form. 

Visit the following link for important information including parent information meeting dates:

Posted: January 5, 2021

ChangesInDirectives.pdf ( and 

Posted: January 3, 2021

Happy New Year to all!

We wish you a healthy and happy 2021.

EECD is strongly encouraging support of the "mask-up" campaign when students return to school this week.  EECD is asking all students and school staff across New Brunswick to wear  their mask throughout the day as an extra layer of protection for the weeks of January 4-8 and January 11-15.

The full document from Minister Cardy can be found at document (

Posted: December 15, 2020

Congratulations to the Grade 4W-4T and 4-5W classes at Nelson Rural School for being named the Winners in the Top Elementary Vocal category of CBC’s 2020 Canadian Music Class Challenge!

Their entry, described as a “sweet version” of ‘Like a Flower to the Sun’, was announced earlier today as the first place winner.  A panel of celebrity judges from across Canada voted on the selections.  As the winner in their category, the school is awarded $3000 to purchase new instruments.


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