
Posted: October 5, 2010

The Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers recently held a series of Career Expos for District 16 students which included an evening session at Miramichi Valley High School on Tuesday October 5th .  The after hours session allowed  parents and guardians to accompany their children to visit the 45 booths set up in the MVHS gymnasium in order to consider many post-secondary education options available in Atlantic Canada.

Posted: October 4, 2010

Students from Harkins Elementary and Harkins Middle School attended the opening flag raising ceremony for Wellness Week on Friday October 1st on the front lawn of the landmark Harkins Academy building in Newcastle-Miramichi. Representatives from Mango, School District 16, the City of Miramichi and the Horizon Health Network addressed the students, pointing out the importance of all aspects of individual wellness such as healthy eating, daily physical activity, rest and mental and emotional health. Following the Wellness Week flag raising by Dr.

Posted: September 29, 2010

      On September 18, 2010 Miramichi Partners in Literacy (MPIL) hosted its 12th Annual Reading in the Park at Ritchie's Wharf, Newcastle-Miramichi,  to mark International Literacy Day. MPIL is a collaborative group made up of four partners: District 16, Public Libraries, Horizon 7  Talk with Me/Parle a Moi, and Miriamichi Literacy Council.

Posted: September 29, 2010

District 16 students and parents  are invited to attend the Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers  Career Expo, taking place the evening of October 5th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Miramichi Valley High School Gym.  Over 50 universities, colleges, and private schools from the Atlantic Provinces will be there with information and to answer any of your questions and concerns. 

Posted: September 28, 2010

District 16 schools are being encouraged to celebrate New Brunswick Wellness Week October 1st to 7th.  For details see the attached documents at .

Posted: September 22, 2010

 District 16 Elementary and Middle Schools have a full schedule of cross country meets, 11 in all, scheduled throughout the months of September and October. Today the elementary schools had good weather for their second meet of the season at England Hollow in Chatham-Miramichi hosted by St. Andrew's Elementary School. There was an enthusiastic gathering of parents and supporters at the site which by its lay-out is essentially a stadium and the more than 100 runners where encouraged strongly as they completed the one kilometer distance.

Posted: September 16, 2010

Schools in New Brunswick are shifting to a learning model being developed by the Department of Education titled NB3-21C. The rational for this shift is clearly illustrated in a short film that can be viewed by following this link

Posted: September 7, 2010

District 16 students entering Middle and High School grades for the first time were treated to a purposeful but fun-filled day today as they started the 2010 – 2011 school year.

Posted: August 31, 2010

District 16 educators gathered today at James M. Hill Memorial High School Auditorium to listen to a presentation titled The 21st Century Learner as they prepare for the coming school term. In the talk, international presenter Dr. Donna Walker Tileston, pointed out how very different learners are in the era of digital technology from learners of earlier generations and that there is continuing significant research being published but there is a large time lag before educators become aware of important findings and are able to apply this knowledge in the classroom.


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