
Posted: September 19, 2012

Anglophone North School District is pleased to welcome four educators from Holland who are in New Brunswick on a study trip this week to learn about education in Canada. Their main interest is at the primary/elementary school levels and they are visiting schools and classrooms in Miramichi, Metepenagiag, Bathurst, Dalhousie Campbellton and Rexton. All are experienced teachers and are welcoming the opportunity to talk to New Brunswick teachers and school administrators to compare education systems and find out about approaches to teaching that may be useful to them in Holland.

Posted: September 10, 2012

Millerton School students have four new classmates this term who are visiting from Colombia and will be attending classes until the last week in November. Visit Colombian Students .

Posted: September 6, 2012

A number of middle schools and high schools in Anglophone North School District offered orientation programs for students starting in their schools for the first time on September 5th. The purposes of the programs (WEB - M.S. and Boomerang - H.S.) were to let new students gain familiarity with their new schools, meet their teachers, particpate in "ice breaking"

Posted: June 28, 2012

Please view the attached PDF documents.

Posted: June 18, 2012

(NEW FEES ANNOUNCED - see attachment below) The Miramichi River Tourism Association is inviting youth aged 10 to 15 years of age to attend the 2012 Miramichi River Adventures Three Week Summer Camp taking place from June 25th until July 13th. The camp includes adventure activities throughout the Miramichi region, cultural and heritage events and a one week residential camp focusing on digital technology.

Posted: June 14, 2012

The social studies students of Madame Squire and Madame Stewart at Dr. Losier Middle School finished their year’s work in Canadian studies by re-affirming their allegiance to Canada in a ceremony held at the school on June 14. Following the recital of the oath of allegiance Madame Lyne Montsion, the French Second Language Specialist for District 16, presented each student with a certificate signed by the Honourable Jason Kenny, federal Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism.

Posted: June 12, 2012

Students in grade 4D of Harkins Elementary School, recipients of the Young Citizens Award at the recent District 16 Heritage Fair, would like you to view a video presentation of their work “A Historical Tour of Necastle”. They would also appreciate your vote (visit Vote For Us) as this video is one of 200 from across Canada taking part in a contest hosted by Canadian History for Kids.  To view the video and vote visit Historical Tour of Newcastle Entry .    

Posted: June 12, 2012

Students of Tabusintac School entertained a crowd of upwards of 200 guests in a crowded tent on the property of Loraine and Myles Wishart on Monday June 11th. The event was a public presentation of eight months of learning about local history centered on the arrival in the late 1700’s of Charlotte Taylor, referred to often as the “mother of Tabusintac,” and her life in the community.

Posted: June 8, 2012

Having recently visited Green Gables on Prince Edward Island, the characters in Harkins Elementary School’s upcoming production of “Anne” have gained insights into Lucy Maude Montgomery’s stories based in the fictional Avonlea. Their on-stage performances on Wed. June 13 will no doubt reflect their recent experiences of walking the halls of Green Gables and venturing through the Haunted Wood. The play Anne of Green Gables will be performed by the Harkins Elementary Drama Club at the school starting at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 in advance and $7.00 at the door.

Posted: June 8, 2012

The 2012 Go for 42 challenge was officially launched at Croft Elementary School on Wednesday May 9th. MANGO representatives  made a short presentation to the students of the school about the event and reminded them of  its importance in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Following a vigorous warm-up in the school’s gymnasium the entire school population put on their jackets and went for a 2 kilometer walk on the school grounds. The light drizzle did not dampen spirits as they made their way over the trails of the Forest Classroom located behind the school.


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