
Posted: April 11, 2012

It would be an understatement to say that Wednesday, April 11, 2012, was just a normal school day for the staff and students at Nelson Rural. Many would be treated to a day they would not soon forget with a special visit from NFL Superstar and New England Patriots Tight End Rob Gronkowski.

Posted: April 10, 2012

Keeping a “log” of what happens day to day, recording those things that could be of interest to others, has been done for centuries. When done on the “Web” it’s known as a “Blog”.  And “Blogging” is fast becoming  a means for students and teachers to record for others, many things of interest, that are happening in the classroom with special projects and in the school. To view a list of the "logs", most with entries written by students, visit District 16 Blogs .

Posted: April 5, 2012

District Education Council (DEC) members bring local knowledge of the education issues in their communities and the interests of their constituents into broader education system discussions.  Your work will help students achieve, succeed and lead happy, productive lives as a result of your input into the environment and culture of learning.To be a candidate in the May 14 election your nomination papers must be submitted by April 13, 2012.  Newly elected DEC members will begin their four year term of office in July and become an important part of shaping the goals and governance of the new scho

Posted: April 3, 2012

“On location” was the operational term at Miramichi Rural School (MRS) on Monday April 2. A film crew from the National Film Board of Canada temporarily took over the school’s library to begin a two year film project that will among other things feature the MRS’s Star Troopers. "Star Troopers" is the name of the school’s astronomy club that regularly studies the night skies and is well equipped with three sizeable but portable telescopes and one larger domed telescope.

Posted: March 30, 2012

The District 16 Middle School Science Fair was hosted by North and South Esk Regional High School on Thursday March 29. Many of the fifty participants from 9 district schools impressed the judges with the quality and sophistication of their projects and like the elementary science fair, two days earlier, the decisions about winners were not easy to make.  While the judges were deliberating the fair participants had an opportunity to experience “Race Car Physics” and Kodu programming.

Posted: March 27, 2012

In a demonstration of the  properties of  frozen carbon dioxide,  otherwise known a “dry ice”,  the fog  spilled everywhere. The 5 dozen young science students from  elementary schools who were participating  in the District 16 Science fair Tuesday March 27 looked on in amazement. The demonstration was provided by the science education organization Mad Science to highlight  some of the properties of matter and to stir the imaginations of the students regarding the study of science.

Posted: March 25, 2012

Seven students from James M. Hill Memorial and Miramichi Valley High Schools participated in the annual District 16 Culinary Technology competition on Saturday March 24 at MVHS. The students had 3 hours to prepare a main course of Beef Roulade, Duchess Potatoes, Braised Red Cabbage and Steamed Broccoli as well as a dessert , Chocolate Mouse, which where then judged by chefs Ryan Goldie and Graham Tricket.

Posted: March 22, 2012

James M. Hill Memorial High School students recognized World Water Day on March 22nd by carrying water for one mile through the street of Chatham. JMH was one of more than two dozen schools across Canada to mark the event. The JMH students used the opportunity to raise money for drinking wells in India where thirty schools are holding similar events today. For more on the United Nations Sponsored "World Water Day" visit UN - World Water Day . For more information about development projects in India visit SOPAR.

Posted: March 20, 2012

 Two District 16 Schools were recipients of "Join the Wellness Movement" grants at a Wellness Celebration held at Ian Baillie Primary School on March 19th. Nelson Rural School and Bonar Law Memorial School received $1000 and $500 grants respectively. The grants were presented by local MLA, Minister of Public Safety, Robert Trevors.      During the ceremony comments regarding the importance of  wellness ( being physically active, eating healthy, being tobacco free and maintaining mental fitness)  were made by Joan Cripps representing the City of Miramichi, Mr.


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