
Posted: February 15, 2012

Mr. Laurie Keoughan, former superintendent of School District 16, is to receive recognition by the Canadian Association for Community Living for his significant contribution to inclusive education. While superintendent Mr. Keoughan was instrumental in re-designing and implementing a highly comprehensive framework to deliver inclusive-educational-services for kindergarten to grade 12 students of School District 16.

Posted: February 9, 2012

District 16 has released the list of finalists for the 5th Annual Creative Use of Technology in Education (CUTE) Awards, see below. The names of the recipients of the awards in each category will be announced at a ceremony to be held at James M. Hill High School auditorium on Wednesday evening February 15th starting at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no admission charge!      Finalists 21st Century Learning

Posted: February 6, 2012

Grade seven students at Harkins Middle School have published accounts of their visit to the Miramichi Salmon Association’s (MSA) conservation project in South Esk last fall. They learned about efforts of the MSA to further the preservation of Atlantic Salmon. Their videos, produced from still photos with voice-overs, were presented to the Miramichi Salmon Association Education meeting in Boston on Friday February 3.

Posted: January 31, 2012

Elizabeth McCarthy, principal at Ian Baillie Primary School will be travelling to Toronto later this winter  to receive an award for her work at the school.  She and 39 other Canadian education leaders have been identified as Canada’s Outstanding Principals for 2012. This honour is being given by The Learning Partnership, a Canadian organization that promotes public education across the country.

Posted: January 31, 2012

A Miramichi Rural School teacher travelled to the end of the world in search of a White Christmas. Mr. Adam Hayward gave in to his urge to travel and went south, almost as far south as he could get, to reach yet another of the world’s seven continents. Below is an account of Mr. Hayward's recent trip to Antarctica.            Ever since I travelled to Europe as a grade 12 student at JMH under the guidance of Mr. Loyd Cameron I have had a disease many refer to as "The Travel Bug". This is a disease in which there is no cure, only treatments.

Posted: January 4, 2012

The District 16 Technology Team would like to remind students and teachers that the annual CUTE Awards ceremony is rapidly approaching. This year marks the 5th time this well-received evening event recognizing the use of  technology in the classrooms of District 16 will be held. For more information on the 2012 awards please visit Fifth Annual CUTE Awards . To see a photo gallery of last year's awards visit CUTE Awards 2011 .

Posted: December 21, 2011

Patricia Lee, Chair of the District 16 Education Council: “It is our pleasure to announce that Nancy Boucher  has been appointed to the position of Acting Superintendent in our District.  Ms. Boucher possesses a Masters in Education – Curriculum Studies. She has been employed with District 15 for 27 years as a teacher, a principal, a Learning Specialist, and for the last five years as Director of Education.

Posted: December 21, 2011

That is the number of food items donated by the students and families of Harkins Elementary School for the Miramichi Community Food Bank. Throughout School District 16 school students gave generously to the annual Christmas Food Drive contributing many thousands of food items for the less fortunate members of the local school communities. At Harkins Elementary there were special events at the school each Friday for the last 8 weeks. Students donated food items in order to participate. Similar programs were organized in all of the schools in the district.

Posted: December 20, 2011

Grade 10 Ancient History students at Blackville School are learning in a “post-modern” “virtual classroom”.  The school is one of three demonstration schools in District 16 that are piloting the use of student netbooks. In the program students are using the small laptop computers in the classroom and taking them home to assist in doing their research assignments, preparing reports and other homework tasks.

Posted: December 9, 2011

Students in Mr. Theriaullt and Ms Kings grade 6 classes at Eleanor Graham Middle School raised money recently through a unique language arts project that combined writing book reviews and creating bookmarks. The colourful bookmarks were sold at a crafts fair at Rexton Elementary School and funds raised were used to purchase a water filtration system for a family in Haiti. But their contribution to Haiti continued even after their objective was reached.


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