
Posted: March 18, 2012

Many schools in District 16 took advantage this winter of the trails at the Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club. Club volunteers along with the teachers, were able to introduce the students to cross country skiing and provide them with the opportunity to become familiar with the facilities which are conveniently located in Nelson-Miramichi. The equipment used by the students has been provided through a partnership between School District 16 and the ski club that resulted in Go-NB grants supplied by Sport New Brunswick and Sport Canada.

Posted: March 16, 2012

Many schools in District 16 took advantage this winter of the cross country ski trails at the Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club. Club volunteers along with the teachers, were able to introduce the students to cross country skiing and provide them with the opportunity to become familiar with the facilities which are conveniently located in Nelson-Miramichi. The equipment used by the students has been provided through a partnership between School District 16 and the ski club that resulted in Go-NB grants supplied by Sport New Brunswick and Sport Canada.

Posted: March 15, 2012

Culinary Tech. students from Miramichi Valley High School and James M. Hill Memorial High will be participating in the annual Culinary Technology Competition at MVHS on Saturday March 24. Their efforts to prepare an entrée and dessert will be judged by chefs Graham Tricket and Ryan Goldie. The menu includes Beef Roulade, Duchess Potatoes, Braised Red Cabbage, Steamed Broccoli and Chocolate Mousse. The event starts at 8:45 am and continues until early afternoon. Two participants from this event will advance to the provincial competition to be held in Fredericton April 21.

Posted: March 15, 2012

North and South Esk Regional High School will be holding a blood donor clinic on Friday March 16th in the school's gymnasium. The hours of the clinic are 10:00 am until 12:00 and 1:30 until 3:00 pm. The public is welcome. Appointments, although not required, may be booked by calling 836-7000.  

Posted: February 29, 2012

St. Andrew’s School will be presenting a Showcase of their on-going school wide project: The Adoption of Middle Island. This is a continuing exploration of the historic significance of Middle Island and the importance of its stories. The presentation will include original music, dance and drama as well as “cluster displays” by all the students of the school. The Showcase is to be held on Friday March 16 at the school and will be in two stages.  The morning session beginning at 8:45 a.m. will be for the students. The afternoon session, beginning at 12:45 p.m.

Posted: February 28, 2012

Colleen Wilt, a District 16 Autism Resource Teacher, has been recognized for her significant professional contribution in the field of autism by Autism Resources Miramichi.  The award was presented on Sunday February 26 by the organization’s executive director Lila Barry. Colleen is being honoured  for demonstrating initiative, foresight, vision as well as being an inspiration to others in the education of autistic children. Pictured here are left to right: Lynn Orser, D16 Learning Specialist, Colleen and Lila, Bill McGinn and Angela Howe, colleagues of Colleen.        

Posted: February 28, 2012

School District 16 will be holding district wide science fairs in the early spring. The elementary school science fair will be held at Gretna Green Elementary School on Tuesday March 27*  from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. The fair for middle and high school students will be held at North and South Esk Regional High School on Thursday March 29 also from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. For more details and registration forms visit D16 Science Fairs 2012 .* Note changed from original date  

Posted: February 16, 2012

 A standing-room-only crowd attended the 5th annual District 16 CUTE Awards on Wednesday, February 15 at the James M. Hill High School Theatre.  The Creative Use of Technology in Education (CUTE) Awards are held annually in District 16 to highlight the work of students and teachers using technology. The use of  digital technology is considered an important aspect of learning in the 21st century and contributes to the mastery of the curriculum’s learning outcomes. Moreover technology provides opportunities for communications within a school’s community.

Posted: February 15, 2012

Pink Shirt Day is February 29th.   Pink Shirt Day originated in Nova Scotia when two students organized the day to protest against bullying in their school. They distributed pink shirts to all of the boys to wear in empathy with a boy who was being bullied. The day has grown over the years and now we are all asked to wear pink on this day to help stop bullying.  For more information visit Pink Shirt Day .


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