
Posted: June 5, 2012

The First Annual Upper Elementary Mountain Bike Race was considered by all to be a great success. There were 32 riders competing from NSEE, Croft and Gretna Green schools. Race organizers expressed pride in the participants for "toughing out" the weather. It was a very "Canadian" experience. In both the boys and girls finals the race winners fought hard for their spots. Thanks is extended to the volunteers who assisted in expanding the wonderful Gretna Green School’s Story Land Park trail system and for those who assisted with race direction and helped with safety concerns.

Posted: June 4, 2012

Posted: June 4, 2012

The Anglophone North School District School Calendar for the academic year 2012 - 2013 is attached below.

Posted: June 1, 2012

District 16 Middle School students sat still for a whole hour on a Friday morning. They were  listening to the life story of Theo Fleury,  told by the former NHL star himself at the Civic Center in Miramichi-West, June 1st. Mr. Fleury in a motivational speech outlined his path to becoming a professional hockey player and member of teams that won the Stanley Cup (Calgary Flames - 1989) and an Olympic Gold Medal (Salt Lake City – 2002). He talked about the very hard work and determination that it took and he talked about the people that helped him along the way.

Posted: May 31, 2012

The weather didn’t  dampen the spirits of two hundred and fifty girls from District 16 schools who, on Wednesday May 30th, spent several hours at the Annual Go Girl Festival at Miramichi Valley High School. Through the morning and into the early afternoon the girls from grades 6 to 9, played tennis, ran, biked, climbed, skipped, swam, explored and danced their time away. Leaders from schools and the community provided a smorgasbord of  activities in order to help the girls understand just how important vigorous activity is as a component of their daily life.

Posted: May 31, 2012

The importance of reading aloud to children, even when they have started to read for themselves, was highlighted recently by District 16’s  K-2 Literacy Consultant Annette Hendry. Attached below is a brochure by author Jim Trelease on the topic and a link to his website where there are other free related brochures available.

Posted: May 24, 2012

Students of Millerton School had a wonderful opportunity recently to learn about and consider Canadian Citizenship, something that is often taken for granted by Canadians. Three of their schoolmates, Mexican siblings Ale, Hugo and Monse White-O’Connell, received their Canadian citizenship certificates in a special ceremony from Member of Pariament Tilly O’Neill-Gordon. Local MLAs Jake Stewart and Bill Fraser were on hand to help all the students and staff celebrate the privilege of being Canadian. For more details and photos please visit Citizenship Ceremony .

Posted: May 24, 2012

North and South Esk Regional High School hosted a “mini” Powwow at their School on May 23rd and 24th. The event was organized by the school’s Native Education Advisory Team in conjunction with Metepenagiag Education. Participants also came from Metepenagiag School in Red Bank and Esgenoopetitj School in Burnt Church. The gathering was intended to educate as well as showcase the beauty, strength, spirit and endurance of the Mi-Kmaq people, cultural and traditions. On the first day there was traditional drumming and dancing and numerous displays of First Nation artwork and crafts.


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