Talk With Me

Talk with Me - Early Language Services

Posted: May 15, 2018

Talk With Me- Bathurst/Chaleur Facebook Page

Here is a link to the Bathurst/Chaleur's Facebook page. You will find our calendars, special events, online resources, and more!

Posted: May 15, 2018

Talk With Me - Restigouche Facebook Page

Here is a link to the Facebook page for Talk With Me - Restigouche.

Posted: May 15, 2018

Even if a child eventually begins to talk and make full sentences, there is a price to pay for late speech and language development.

Trouble with speaking can mean problems in all areas of language development.

This can mean trouble in school with listening, reading, spelling and even math.

Children who can’t communicate well get frustrated.

Intervention works best before the age of 3.

All children can benefit from more speech and language stimulation.

Strong pre-school language skills are the single best predictor of success in school.  


If you have questions or concerns about your child's speech and language development, 

Don't Wait and See, call Talk With Me 1-888-623-6363.

Here is the Spring calendar for Talk With Me in Restigouche, which covers April - June 2018.  Please check the Talk With Me - Restigouche Facebook page for any updates and cancellations regarding programming.


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