
Posted: June 7, 2010

The dates for District 16 High School Graduations for 2010 have been announced. See attachment for details.

Posted: June 2, 2010

The week of May 30th to June 5th has been declared Disability Awareness Week by the Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons. District 16 schools are participating. The theme is "Yes We Can" and the aim is to promote support for persons with disabilities in New Brunswick. Disability Awareness prizes are being presented at district elementary schools and a "Walk and Roll" event is being encouraged at each school for Friday June 4th. This will involve 15 minutes of sustained walking or rolling to coincide with a province-wide Walk and Roll Challenge.

Posted: June 2, 2010

"A SMART Showcase Community" is the latest description given to the Miramichi. This distinction was announced June 1st   by SMART Technologies, a Calgary based world leader in the development of interactive Smartboards and related technology. Mr.

Posted: May 31, 2010

For many years School District 16 has been an innovator with the application of technology to assist the classroom learner. A key feature of every classroom in the district is an interactive whiteboard known by its brand name SMART Board. The important word is "interactive" in that as a creative and well used piece of technology equipment it has been shown to significantly engage the modern learner in his or her classroom experience.

Posted: May 28, 2010

Twenty-seven area students were recognized recently for their success during the District 16 Turnaround Achievement Awards dinner at the Rodd Miramichi. Family, friends and teachers were on hand to share with the honourees the stories of their accomplishments as each was presented from the podium. A commemorative jacket was presented to each, in addition to the award. Superintendent Mr. Laurie Keoughan was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and the guest speaker was Ms. Debbie Good of the New Brunswick Department of Education. Ms.

Posted: May 28, 2010

Miramichi Valley High School Theatre was the venue for the 2010 District 16 Elementary Drama Festival with 6 plays being performed over the two day event. The very entertaining and well prepared productions were a delight for those in the audience and were received with critical acclaim by the adjudicators. Large numbers of students were involved acting on stage, singing in choirs and back stage, providing support in various ways. Between plays high school drama students from MVHS and James M.

Posted: May 22, 2010

Ian Baillie Primary School students and staff are "as pleased as Punch". Teacher, Mr. Pat Lange, is to receive the Premier's Award of Excellence in Education at a gala ceremony in Fredericton on June 8th. Mr. Lange along with 15 other educators and community members from across New Brunswick will be honoured at the Playhouse in the annual event.

Posted: May 19, 2010

District 16 technology and physical education mentors and their associates will be busy this weekend at French Fort Cove putting on sessions for the general public in GPS use, Geo-caching and map reading. (Postponed until June 18 and 19th, 2010) Friday evening's session will center on hand held GPS receiver use while the separate full day session on Saturday is a GPS, Map and Compass Certification Workshop. Please see attached documents for more details.

Posted: May 19, 2010

Next week's second annual District 16 Elementary School Drama Festival will feature six plays performed by students from area schools. The plays, taking place at Miramichi Valley High School, will be adjudicated by a panel of judges as well as critiqued by high school thespians taking on a mentoring role. Plays by North and South Esk Elementary, Millerton School and Gretna Green Elementary will be presented on Tuesday May 25th. Plays by Croft Elementary (2) and Nelson Rural School will be performed the next day, Wednesday May 26th.

Posted: May 18, 2010

Research into a wide variety of historical topics was presented by enthusiastic District 16 students at the Heritage Fair held May 13th at the Douglastown Community Center. Many of the 60 displays exhibited dealt with topics and locations specific to the Miramichi Region and the participants were congratulated on their efforts to get to know their own history. A list of award winners is included below. The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick was among the visitors to see many of the displays and talk to the young historians.


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