Virtual Professional Learning

Virtual Professional Learning Opportunities for ASD-N Staff

Posted: August 31, 2020

One page pdf guide with steps to restore an archived Class Team site.


This video will walk you through the steps to restore an archived Team.


Posted: August 31, 2020

One page pdf guide with steps to restore an archived Class Team site.

PDF icon restore_a_team.pdf184.85 KB

Posted: August 31, 2020

This video will walk you through the steps to restore an archived Team.

Posted: June 10, 2020

PDF icon pl_week_2020.pdf1 MB

Benafsha Raqeem will be leading a presentation on Wellness in a Time of COVID 19.  Topics addressed will include health and safety tips, maintaining physical activity, nutrition, productivity, and finding ways to maintain work and life balance during this stressful time.  Benafsha is an MBA student at UNB Saint John.  Originally from Afghanistan, Benafsha has great familiarity with the processes involved in coming to Canada, as well as deep connections within the New Brunswick newcomer community.

Contact: in order to receive a meeting invite link.

This session is about how to establish routines, habits and ways of thinking that can help you develop a Resilient Mindset. These learned skills and principles can help your ability to continue in the face of adversity, adapt to change, and recover from setbacks – particularly valuable in these COVID-19 times. You will also be introduced to a Resilient Mindset model meant to guide us through a host of guiding principles, practical strategies and resources.

To register please e-mail:

Description:  Teaching online may be unfamiliar and just the thought of getting started may seem overwhelming. In this webinar we will share strategies and considerations for making online teaching (and learning) more effective and less stressful.

 To register for this session you can visit the following link:

In this time of crisis, we are reminded that we are never alone.  Our traditional teachings inform us of our interconnectedness with our natural and social environment.  As partners within creation, it is our duty to take care of our shared sacred elements:  Fire (our passion), Air (ancestral breath), Water (our shared tears) and Earth ( our shared mother).

This session will focus on maintaining holistic wellness of mind, body, heart and spirit from a Wabanaki perspective.  This framework provides an approach to traditional healing leading to personal stamina, inner strength and peace of mind.

Participants will require a wooden bowl, fresh cedar fronds (if possible) and a candle (sacred fire).

If you are interested in participating, please email Matthew Sweezey at

Posted: May 20, 2020

This session is about mindfulness, what it is and how it can help with our everyday struggles. We can learn to become less attached to our thoughts and stories by paying attention to the present moment. In order to remember to have more mindful moments in our days we practice mindfulness meditation. We step our of our incessant train of thoughts and pay attention to our bodies, our breath, sounds, emotions and thoughts. We learn to relax and " smell the roses" again. He will guide 2 - 3 meditations during the presentation.

The Wellness Session will be held on May 21st from 3:30 to 4:30.

To register e-mail:

Donna Augustine (Thunderbird Turtle Woman) is a Mi'kmaq from Elsipogtog, N.B.

She is Traditional Knowledge Keeper and a Ceremonial Leader. She was instrumental in helping to bring the cultural ceremonial ways back to her people, after years of her people not being able to practice their ways as a result of colonization and assimilation.

She is a Cultural Educator and has done presentations on culture at Elementary Schools, High Schools, Colleges and Universities. She has traveled to different cultures of the world sharing her own culture. Her main work is on Repatriation, and does this nationally and internationally. She was invited to speak at the United Nations in New York City on Repatriation and the protection of Sacred Sites.

She carries a deep sense of responsibility to help teach her own people and  others, about  the true culture of the first people of this land.

“Today, before my presentation, I will smudge and  offer tobacco. In my prayer, I will ask the Creator and the spirits of my Ancestors to guide my words. I will ask what  the people online with us today, might need to hear, and what I might need to be reminded of at this time. Then spirit will help me to speak the words....”

To register for this session please email:


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Added: Mon, Aug 31 2020


Post date: August 31, 2020
Post date: June 10, 2020