
Posted: May 19, 2020

It is important for students to have access to their accounts if they will be doing on-line course selections through Power School.

Posted: May 14, 2020

Anglophone North School District has always looked for ways to share and celebrate learning. This sharing and celebration has often taken the form of face-to-face gatherings like STEM Fest and Discover. Just because we can’t gather students and educators together, doesn’t mean there isn’t innovative and unique learning taking place in homes across our district. 

Our teaching and learning look different right now and we want to find a different way to share, celebrate and support this learning. 

We are inviting teachers to submit examples of student home learning. 

Posted: May 12, 2020

The ASD-N Virtual Olympics will take place over 10 days, May 25-29 and June 1-5. Each day will consist of 3 activities. The Virtual Olympics are open to any ASD-N students and their family members. Events can be done as many times as desired, just take the best result. Results of events can be recorded on the scorecard that will be provided and can then be submitted via a Microsoft form at the end of each of the two weeks.

Posted: May 6, 2020

ASD-N Families for whom technology for the purpose of learning is not available or is challenging, you are invited to sign up for an education supplement to be delivered in a Saturday newspaper. Call 1-844-615-7542 and provide delivery information. The deadline for the next edition is May 7 at noon

Posted: April 6, 2020

The Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, Dominic Cardy, took to social media this weekend to share a message about graduation.

Please see the link below for the message to Grade 12 graduating students from Minister Cardy.

Posted: April 3, 2020

Anglophone North School District has launched tele-guidance counselling services for students.  We have included the chart below to list the available supports. The following information includes provincial contacts and resources from right within ASD-N.



ASDN Mental Health and Wellness Supports


Posted: April 2, 2020

The Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development has just provided an update on the plan for the continuity of education.

Schools in New Brunswick will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.  The school year will not be extended.

A plan for Home Learning options and activities will start next week in ASD-N.  Teachers will be reaching out to students and families to share these options starting next week.

Posted: April 2, 2020

As a result of the recent announcement by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development closing schools for the remainder of the school year, Anglophone North School District wishes to advise the public of the cancellation of all school rentals up to June 30, 2020. As well, all outdoor play areas, such as playgrounds, fields, tracks, tennis courts, etc. are closed until further notice.

Posted: April 1, 2020


ASD-N To Launch Tele-Guidance Counselling


Effective Thursday, April 2, 2020



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