
Posted: March 27, 2013

Miramichi Valley High School was the venue for the ASD-N 2013 Culinary Technology competition on Wednesday March 27th. Seven students from James M. Hill and Miramichi Valley High Schools worked diligently to prepare a meal consisting of salad, chicken and apple cake. It was a hectic and pressure filled three hours  for the young chefs as they peeled, sliced, diced, measured and mixed then boiled, steamed, fried and baked their way  through their recipes to produce the  delicious looking three course meal. Their efforts were then judged on taste and presentation with additional points being

Posted: March 27, 2013

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math; these areas of study comprise the acronym STEM.  A "STEM Fair" is replacing the concept of a "Science Fair" in ASD-N and such a fair was held March 26th for district elementary schools in the Miramichi area. The concept of STEM allows for a broader consideration of research topics and highlights the components’ interdependency. As well students are encouraged  to think critically about bigger issues in society related to the STEM areas.

Posted: March 24, 2013

Anglophone North School District Superintendent Nancy Boucher, in her welcoming remarks at the CUTE Awards Thursday evening, took great pleasure in presenting the logo for the recently amalgamated school district. Last fall the ASD-N Education Council opened a logo design competition to all students in the district. More than 120 entries were received from schools across the district. Careful consideration was given to all and three finalists were selected. It turned out by chance that these finalists represented the three school levels; elementary, middle and high. Of the three,

Posted: March 22, 2013

The ASD-N CUTE Awards 2013 were held Thursday March 21st, at the James M. Hill High School Theatre.  The Creative Use of Technology in Education (CUTE) Awards are held annually to highlight the work of students and teachers using digital technology. The use of digital technology is considered an important aspect of learning in the 21st century and contributes to the mastery of the curriculum’s learning outcomes. Moreover technology provides excellent opportunities for communication within a school’s community. To see photos of the award recipients visit CUTE 2013 Awards Recipients

Posted: March 18, 2013

Formerly referred to as a science fair, the STEM Fair for the schools in the Miramichi region will be held at Gretna Green Elementary School on Tuesday, March 26th. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Mr. Judson Waye, Science Lead for ASD-N stated, “This fair is designed to offer students the chance to present their STEM related project to STEM experts, their peers, and to the public.

Posted: March 14, 2013

Adrienne Elfner-Hazen, an artist living in Bathurst, is working with students at Tide Head School through the Artist-in-Residency School Program.  Using different kinds of media and various techniques she is teaching the young artists to capture the beauty of nature in their own works of art.

Posted: March 14, 2013

In February SMART Technologies announced the recognition of three Canadian schools with Showcase Classrooms that demonstrate “thought leadership” in education and a commitment to explore innovative learning models. Gretna Green Elementary School in Miramichi was one of those so recognized and will receive from the Calgary based company four SMART Board 800i interactive whiteboard systems, four SMART Document Cameras, SMART Response interactive response systems, SMART Audio classroom amplification system, and SMART Sync software.

Posted: March 14, 2013

CUTE Awards postponed until March 21, 2013 - Visit ASD-N CUTE Awards 2013 The Cute Awards will be held Thursday, March 21th, 7:00 pm at James M. Hill High School.

Posted: March 13, 2013

Tide Head School is the New Brunswick Winner of the “Recycle My Cell Student Challenge!” The school sent in more cell phones per capita than any other school in the New Brunswick (120 cell phones and 10 pagers). The school will receive a $500 reward and, required to put it toward a Green Project, Principal Heather Ross plans to use it for their school vegetable garden project. Recycle My Cell is Canada’s national recycling program for mobile phones and accessories.

Posted: March 13, 2013

Blackville School was recently selected as one of twelve schools across Canada to receive funds in the 2013 Future Generation Tech Lab program. Sponsored by Future Shop, Blackville School received $15, 000 which will allow for the purchase of equipment that can be used for podcasting, video production, online publishing, photography, interviewing and writing.


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