
Posted: April 19, 2013

The Anglophone North School District oratorical competition for French Second Language for middle and high school students was held on Wednesday the 17th at the Bathurst Education Center.  There was an excellent turn-out of students and speeches in all 14 categories were very well done. Appreciation is extended to the teachers and parents who supported this initiative. First and second place winners will be offered a chance to compete in the provincial oratorical competition in Moncton on May 4, 2013. A list of categories and winners is attached.

Posted: April 16, 2013

Anglophone North School District students’ participation in the River Valley Science Fair at the University of New Brunswick on Friday April 12th reflected very well on the level of science education in the district. In the Junior Division (Middle School) eight awards were received of a possible eighteen. A Gold Level Award was earned by Dominic Stockli of Dr. Losier Middle School for his project “Caffeine and Plant Growth” and a Grand Award was won by Taylor Godin of Superior Middle School for her project “Flame On”.

Posted: April 15, 2013

Nineteen high school students from the Netherlands spent an hour at Miramichi Valley High School Monday morning, April 15th , listening to three Canadian veterans talk about their experiences in Europe during World War II, particularly in Holland. The students are in New Brunswick this week as part of an on-going exchange program that will have students from Miramichi and Bathurst return the visit in November.

Posted: April 12, 2013

Grade 8 students at Blackville School have had a chance in recent weeks to tie in some industrial arts, math, science, art and physical education in an integrated curriculum project called  CreateASkate. Through support from the Blackville Valufoods store and the ArtSmarts program teacher Tim Gratton, over a three week period had the students design, measure, cut, paint and assemble their own skateboards. Darren Goodfellow of River Signs helped students with the graphic design aspects of the project.

Posted: April 11, 2013

Attached below is information regarding summer camps for French Immersion students on the Magdalen Islands for mid-July this summer. These camps are co-ordinated through the Canadian Parents for French – NB  ( ) . A registration form is also available below.

Posted: April 5, 2013

The Rexton Area ASD-N Science Fair was held at Eleanor W. Graham Middle School on Wednesday April 3rd with participants from Rexton Elementary, Harcourt School, Elsipogtog First Nation School and of course E.W.G. High school students from Bonar Law Memorial School provided science demonstrations for the elementary school participants while judges convened to deliberate after having viewed the presentations. Although no awards were given fair participants had the opportunity to communicate their knowledge, understanding and insights with a knowledgeable and interested audience.

Posted: April 2, 2013

The Anglophone North School District Oratory and Spoken Word Poetry competition will be held on Saturday April 20th at Bathurst High School. Registration is at 9:00 am.  Middle school speeches and high school Spoken Word Poetry sessions will start at 9:30 am. Starting at 12:45 pm, the program switches to high school students presenting their speeches and middle school students will have their Spoken Word Poetry sessions. Medal presentations are scheduled for 3:00 pm.

Posted: March 28, 2013

A science fair for the Anglophone North School District middle and high school students living in the Miramichi area was held on Thursday March 28th. Forty middle school participants, selected at the school level, represented Blackville School, Miramichi Rural, North and South Esk Regional and Elementary Schools, Nelson Rural School, Dr. Losier  and Harkins Middle Schools. There was only one high school entry, Damilka Ranasinghe, of James M. Hill High. While the judges were deliberating students were given an opportunity to spend time with biology teacher Ms. S. Moran and physics teacher Mr.

Posted: March 28, 2013

Attention members of the public - Policy 409 Consultation Process Notice - Miramichi West. See attached notice and survey.


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